Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Are CBC cipher suites still used in HTTPS?

This is a question I’ve asked myself about two months ago. The question was whether I should follow Mozilla’s Guidelines for Server Side TLS and throw old, legacy ciphers (like CBC-based ciphers), overboard. This depends on if they’re still used in practice. There will certainly always be clients that only support legacy stuff. I have no interest in maintaining absurd backwards compatiblity by sacrifcing security. But I do want some reasonable amount of backwards compatibilty – I certainly don’t want to lock out legitimate users using only slightly outdated software.

I’m already requiring HTTPS on my sites since 2016. In 2018 I dropped support for TLS 1.1 and below – TLS 1.2 was published in 2008, so if you’re TWELVE years behind: Sorry, but that isn’t going to end well.

In the past I’ve also killed of more legacy ciphers such as those using Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CBC). I’ve now reenabled these for testing purposes. The CBC mode has some serious issues: For one, there are (possible) padding oracle attacks against CBC. This isn’t just a theoretical thing, actual attacks were performed in the past. While we’re at it: Don’t forget the Poodle variants… There are even more dragons lurking around, such as Lucky Thirteen (a timing side channel based attack on CBC). But it doesn’t stop here: CBC (in combination with TLS) has also suffered from indirect attacks like OpenSSL’s 0-Length Bug. There’s also a whole bunch of issues with ciphers that separate encryption and authentication. As a conclusion, ciphersuites that use CBC aren’t really preferable in a modern, secure encryption scheme.

TLS 1.2 introduced AEAD (authenticated encryption) ciphers. Those do both things (authentication & encryption) together, eliminating many oracle issues. They don’t solve all issues, but as of now (2020) they’re the best we have at this time. Because TLS 1.2 is already 12 years old, these secure AEAD ciphersuites have seen great adoption in practice.

Now, Mozilla recommends to turn of CBC entirely and only use those AEAD ciphersuites. I would love to do that, but before I turn my back on CBC I want to be sure that all common clients do support the newer AEAD things. Qualys SSL Labs seems to suggest that many outdated macOS computers do not support any AEAD cipher (Note that we do not care about clients that do not even speak TLS 1.2 – that’s already off the table).

Because I couldn’t find any usage study on cipher suites used in the wild, I decided to do my own, non-scientific study. For the past two months I logged all TLS ciphersuites used by clients that performed at least one complete HTTPS request [to my server]. This means that most TLS scans, which do not make any HTTP(S) requests, were excluded from the logging. This way most data gathered is from actually meaningful clients (crawlers & humans plus a few additional bots).

I’m actively monitoring whether I see clients that really do not speak anything better than CBC. For the past two months, I haven’t had one (except for two clients which were definetly TLS scanners). However, at this point I’m still not done with the survey. I will continue to monitor for some more and once I have gathered sufficient data, I will decide whether to ditch CBC or not.

Note that this is not a scientific study of any kind, and as such I will not compile any beautfiul data sets. I may post some stats here in the future if I feel like it. I’m not getting paid for this, so involved effort is low.

If you want to see what my current TLS setups looks like, you can see for yourself on Qualys. I’m also planning on writing a more detailed blog post about how the setup looks and the reasoning behind it. It’s all on my TODO list, I promise.

Update (1 month later)

I have continued to monitor ciphersuites and I did have some clients sending HTTP requests using CBC ciphers. All of these clients were some type of TLS scanner or vulnerability scanners. I couldn’t identify a single useful bot or human user with CBC. As a result I have turned of CBC completly. That also means that server cipher preference is now off and the client can choose it’s preferred cipher (as Mozilla recommends).

Another Update (many months later)

I did encounter some very old clients now only supporting CBC (but TLS 1.2) while setting up some new services. Those were IOT devices (sigh) and other embedded legacy stuff like webbrowsers from Smart TV’s and similar. One of these didn’t even knew what elliptic curves are (no ECDHE and no ECDSA). I’ve reenabled a single CBC cipher suite for those clients.

Another major problem with these clients is the upcoming switch of Let’s Encrypt’s Root Certificate, ISRG Root X1. Those clients are so old that they don’t have an up to date trust store and thus cannot validate certificates from the new root. I initially underestimated how many legacy client are out there, even my own household has some devices affected by this. Sadly, there’s no good strategy here, but that’s a topic for another post…

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